Custom Integrations

If you're using the SiteManager cookie module and you need to load in scripts from an external provider, check out this article.

In most cases, when you add a custom integration, the scripts will be automatically minified and compressed by our Pagespeed Module (found in Developer > Publish Settings).

However, this automatic process can sometimes cause errors. To address this, we have provided script tags that allow you to exclude these scripts.


Simply add "data-smps-nocombine" to the script tag and it will be excluded from being combined and compressed with other JS files.

<script data-smps-nocombine type="text/javascript" src="swfiles/body/sw.js"></script>

If you use the "data-smpsmovebottom" exception tag, the scrip will be moved to the bottom of the page when it's being published.

<script data-smps-movebottom type="text/javascript" src="swfiles/body/sw.js"></script>

As a developer you can manually add these data tags in your HTML code.

Plugin Component

Additionally, you have the option to directly add your scripts in the CMS using a Plugin Component. This allows you to input the scripts and ensures that they will be executed on a specific page.

Layout Component

If you wanna add a script to multiple pages at once, the best way to do this is to make a Layout Component .This can be done in the Code environment

Project Setup

If you wanna add scripts for all your pages at once you're able too add the code in the Project Setup where you find the Header Files Setup.