How to integrate Instagram (External)

In this article you'll learn how you can integrate Instagram in your project

There are multiple platforms available for integrating Instagram in your project. In this guide, we will be focusing on Behold.

In this guide we will go over these chapters:
Initial Setup
Creating our Feed
Using in a Sitemanager Project

Initial Setup

Other platforms, Behold included, offer a free tier. However, this means that new posts will only show after 24h.

Once you have set up your account, you'll see the main dashboard where you have to connect a source .

When clicking on: "Connect a source", two option will appear: Basic & Advanced. We will focus only on Basic

The basic method will give you a link to connect your Instagram account to the Behold platform.


After connecting your account, we can create our feed!

Creating our Feed

Feeds can come from either User or Hashtag sources. In most scenarios, opting for User will be the preferred choice.


After selecting user, you'll have to click the source we have setup earlier.

Behold offers three ways you can setup your Instagram feed: Widget, JSON & Klaviyo To keep things simple, we will focus on the Widget.

After creating our feed, you can finetune various options such as type, colors,...


By clicking on Embed Code you can copy the code we can use in our project.

Using in SiteManager Project

In your SiteManager we have a component: Plugin Banner, that we can use for external scripts such as the one we got from Behold.

After adding the script to the Plugin Banner. You'll see your Instagram Feed in action!


Besides Behold there are other platforms that follow the same workflow:

Note: Some of these platform may use a watermark / branding.