How to optimize Page Settings

In this article you'll learn how to use the page settings to improve your SEO ranking.

Page Properties

Before we can edit the meta tags, you need to open the properties of the page you want. This can be done by clicking on Project > Page Properties

This will open up the Page Properties panel where you can find various options:

  • Page name: this is for internal use.
  • Page URL: Set a clear URL for this page

Tip: In URL's spaces aren't allowed, these will be automatically removed

The following section: SEO Page Settings & Open Graph will be blank by default.

It is recommended to make sure these fields are properly filled in to improve your SEO ranking.

  • SEO Page Title: This title will be displayed in the search engine results.
  • SEO Description: This description will be displayed in the search engine results. Make sure it summarizes your page and includes some key words.

  • Open Graph Title: This title will be displayed when people share your page on social media.
  • Open Graph Description: This description will be displayed when people share your page on social media.
  • Open Graph URL: This URL will be displayed when people share your page on social media.
  • Open Graph image: This image will be displayed when people share your page on social media.

Tip:  SEO Page Settings & Open Graph can be previewed by clicking on the eye icon next to the titles. This will open up a preview window.

Advanced Settings

The advanced settings have some options as well, in this article we will focus on the following:

  • No Index: If this option has been enabled, it'll tell search engines not to index this page. This is mostly used for landing pages, thank you pages, or hidden pages.
  • No follow: If this option has been enabled, it'll tell search engines not to follow this page. Google will not forward authority to the links in this page.
  • Set canonical URL: If this option has been enabled, it'll provide search engines with a URL to the original piece of content. This is mostly used for ecommerce websites or for avoiding duplicate content.