SSL request failed. What do these errors mean?

This article contains an overview of the possible error messages in the SSL module.

In SiteManager you can request a free SSL certificate. Your certificate will have to be renewed after one year. SiteManager will request a renewal automatically, but this may fail for a variety of reasons.

When an SSL request fails, you will receive one of the following error messages:

Failed to order SSL 

This message is shown when we receive an empty or erroneous file from our SSL supplier Certcenter.

Please wait a few minutes and try requesting the SSL again. If you keep seeing this error, contact support.

Obstructed redirect

To renew the SSL certificate, our system needs to access a specific file. Setting a redirect from the root folder will make it impossible for our system to access the file. You can solve this by following these steps:

  1. Enter the content application of the project
  2. Head to settings and click on the redirect module
  3. Remove the redirects from the root folder 
  4. Return to the dashboard, click subscriptions and retry requesting your SSL. This may take a few minutes.
  5. Return to the redirect module and set your redirects again.

If you set a redirect from the root folder, you'll have to repeat these steps each year when your SSL is due to renewal.

Incorrect DNS settings

This error indicates that the DNS settings of the domain name is incorrect. You can find the correct values in this article. Please set them accordingly in the DNS settings of your domain name.

Incorrect A record

This error indicates that the A-record of the domain name is incorrect. You can find the correct values in this article. Please set them accordingly in the DNS settings of your domain name.

Incorrect CNAME

This error indicates that the CNAME of the domain name is incorrect. You can find the correct values in this article. Please set them accordingly in the DNS settings of your domain name.

Cannot authenticate domain

This error is shown when our system cannot authenticate the domain. If this error mentions an obstructed redirect, then you need to follow these steps. In other cases, please contact our support team

No access to authentication file

Please check if there are redirect obstructions where your root folder redirects to another page. If there is, please follow these steps

In some older projects built in the very first versions of SiteManager, the authentication file may be located elsewhere. If your project is older than 2018, please contact our support team.

SSL for subdomain

Requesting an SSL for a subdomain requires some manual actions. This is because we cannot automatically authenticate the domain through a file on your website, but instead need to check your DNS settings. 

If this message is shown, click request SSL and follow the steps described there. You'll have to add a TXT record to your domain name that we can use for verification.

AAAA-record found

This error will be shown when there is a AAAA-record found in the DNS settings of your domain. If an AAAA-record is found, it can cause your website to display incorrectly. If you encounter this error message, please check your DNS settings and be sure to remove the AAAA-record.