Image albums

Manage your images with albums inside the Image Library.

In this article

  1. Creating album
  2. Changing album's name
  3. Deleting album
  4. Adding images to album
  5. Moving images to another album
  6. Removing images from album


1. Creating albums

You can add a new album located at the right side of your Image Library. Fill in a name for your album and select create. Once your album is created, you'll be automatically redirected to your new album. From here on you can upload new images directly to your album.




2. Changing album's name

  1. Go to the album you want to change the name
  2. Hover over the title of the album on the top of the Image Library
  3. A button will appear to edit the name
  4. Click on the edit button and change the name
  5. When ready, click on the save button to save your changes.




3. Delete album

  1. Go to the album you want to delete
  2. Make sure there are no images present in the album
  3. Click on the delete button next to the album's name in your list of albums



All images must be removed inside your album before you can delete the album from the Image Library. If all images are removed, then there will be a button available next to the album's name to remove it completely
If not, the delete button won't be appearing.



4. Adding images to album

There are different ways to add images to your album:

  • Using the upload button in the smart toolbar for new images
  • Dragging and dropping new images into your album
  • Selecting existing images and adding it to the album with the smart toolbar:



5. Moving images to another album

  1. Hover over the images and select by checking the box in the top left corner
  2. Select the move to button inside the smart toolbar
  3. Choose the album where you want to move the selected images



Moving images to another album will remove it from the current album.


6. Removing images from album

  1. Hover over the images and select by checking the box in the top left corner
  2. Select the remove to button inside the smart toolbar



Removing images from an album won't delete it from the Image Library. The images will be still visible inside the default All Images album.